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Current JoyPoll results for 457 entries:

Would you rather have $1000 worth of stock, or $1000 worth of beer?

Stock, ... you know I'm talking cattle, right? 66 14%
Beer, ... speaking of cattle, you are soon going to have a stampede heading towards your place. 21 4%
It would depend on what stock, and what kind of beer, ... don't look a gift beer in the mouth! 129 28%
I'd trade both for $500 cash, ... I find your lack of consumer confidence and alcoholism disturbing. 71 15%
The real money is in brokering stocks and in bottle return centers, ... we call that the "craft show effect"... the only ones who make money at a craft show are the ones charging people to sell at it! 66 14%
I'm pretty sure I have 80 bucks worth of empties around here, ... sounds like consumer consumption is not a problem at your place. 30 6%
My beer glass is half empty. 73 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

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