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Current JoyPoll results for 590 entries:

Which content or comments do you wish there was a blocker for?

My dog's barking/my cat's meowing, ... I apologize in advance if you are hurt because I assumed your fish's gurgling problem wasn't annoying enough to include here. 30 5%
USA politics, ... if you could develop one, that would be your Trump card! 203 34%
Negative people, ... perhaps they just have acquired too many electrons and need to be grounded? 125 21%
Positive people, ... I can never get enough of Mr. Positive! 14 2%
My own superfluous thoughts sometimes!, ... I apologize if this option started a few more. 47 7%
I don't want to block anything, I can handle it all!, ... you may soon reach a point where you will have to close the blast doors. 49 8%
I'm viewing the results and no content blocker can stop me! 121 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a blockhead.

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