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Current JoyPoll results for 516 entries:

For you, how is your smart phone most like fire?

I sit around and stare at it with a blank expression, ... the fire in your eyes went out! 54 10%
I can use it to contact people far away, ... where there's smoke signals there's fire. 70 13%
I feel safe and secure when I'm around it, ... I don't feel so safe from the NSA, Google, and Facebook. 27 5%
If I get too close to it, for too long, it can burn, ... remember, the Internet is just shadows on a cave wall. 36 6%
It is a doorway to other discoveries!, ... I miss the days when I actually didn't know something for days on end. 106 20%
When it goes out, I start to panic!, ... how long could you survive a tech detox? 100 19%
I'm basking in the glow of the results! 121 23%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rubbing two roundings together.

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