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Current JoyPoll results for 548 entries:

If you had to, which of the comic's airbnb's would you rather stay in?

Pastoral country cottage, ... if I cut the grass, can I get a discount next time? 55 10%
Charming basement suite, ... your first warning should have been the coal chute entrance! 50 9%
Out of the way hunting lodge, ... the most dangerous game for me and my brothers was RISK! 7 1%
Cosy log cabin, ... I hope home room service pumps it out daily! 7 1%
I think I'll just book a regular hotel, ... I like Chez Moi the best! 290 52%
I think I'll just get an Uber and tell him to keep driving until morning, ... what about just putting your Tesla on Autopilot? 77 14%
I'm viewing the results with the Trivago guy. 61 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and room service.

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