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Current JoyPoll results for 411 entries:

Do you give online companies like Facebook and Twitter all your real information?

Not all, just whatever they ask for, ... if they aren't asking, they probably have it already! 34 8%
I give some info that's real, some that isn't, ... on the Internet, half truths aren't whole lies. 68 16%
I give mostly made-up information, ... don't you realize THEY are analyzing how you make up stuff? 50 12%
It depends who is asking!, ... and whether or not they'll let you see their content? 100 24%
Nobody gets anything, not even my real name, ... oops, your IP ID is showing! 81 19%
I'm just giving the results a chance to view me. 77 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and who are you? Who who who who?

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