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Current JoyPoll results for 585 entries:

How would you feel if a device you bought just a couple of years ago
was now bricked because the service was shut down?

Super angry and disappointed, ... I know where you'll be tempted to throw a brick! 76 12%
SUPER ENRAGED and I'd want my money back or at least some kind of workaround, ... we're sorry, but Google just doesn't have the resources to give a refund or provide a workaround. 321 54%
Super angry at the coders and programmers for making a product like this, ... I guess it's too much to hope these same geeks can fix it? 17 2%
I'd take it with a shrug. Nothing last forever, especially in tech, ... you can find yourself cut deep on the bleeding edge! 43 7%
Good! I'm looking forward to the better products I get to buy in the future, ... they probably won't be from Nest though, will they? 14 2%
I'm just viewing the results, since Nitrozac and Snaggy would never brick those! 113 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding might not be 100% but at least it tries.

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