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Current JoyPoll results for 512 entries:

Do you ever wish you could erase all of your Internet life?

No, that sounds horrible, ... but imagine if you could get all that time back! 34 6%
Yes, but I'd like to pick and choose, ... slackers can't be choosers. 77 15%
Yes, I'd love to have a fresh start!, ... the best I can offer you is a refresh start. 33 6%
Yes, and I would try not to start again!, ... present webcomic exempted! 33 6%
What's done is done, just clear your cache, delete your cookies, and keep on geekin'!, ... don't forget the vpn! 246 48%
I'm pretty sure just viewing the results won't go on my permanent record. 88 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it was all just a dream.

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