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Current JoyPoll results for 493 entries:

If your brain cells were used as the basis of an electronic neural network,
what would your computer chip be best at doing?

Sexy stuff, ... is the electronic brain the largest erogenous zone in a computer? 42 8%
Reciting bizarre facts about obscure geek culture references, ... in other words, you'd be the life of the Reddit! 67 13%
Procrastination, ... imagine how fast you could come up with ways to do nothing! 229 46%
Real world solutions to real problems!, ... if you don't stop daydreaming in there, I'm going to unplug you! 42 8%
Imagining scenarios where I was a brain in a vat, ... dreaming of electric sheep? 44 8%
My neural network just viewed the results. 68 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and my reptile brain.

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