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Current JoyPoll results for 655 entries:

Is Siri on the Mac something you're looking forward to?

Indeed! I love Siri, and can't wait to see how she works on the desktop, ... your Siris are going to be fighting for your attention! 100 15%
Meh, I might try it, I might not, ... reply hazy, try again. 126 19%
Naw, I'm more of a typer than a speaker, ... let your fingers do the talking! 255 38%
I don't use a Mac, but voice search on desktop would be cool, ... it would be cool if I'm not yelling at it all the time. 41 6%
Wow, who uses a desktop computer anymore?, ... don't call my ancient desktop relic a dinosaur!!! 36 5%
I'm looking forward to the results! 96 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the answer escapes me.

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