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Current JoyPoll results for 511 entries:

Which do you prefer?

I don't mind companies like Google and Amazon using all kinds of personal data about me to give me better service, ... they take a pound of your soul without drawing any blood. 32 6%
I prefer companies like Apple using this differential privacy method to keep my data more private, but still using it to make software better, ... can I just opt out and use all the improvements they develop from your data? 152 29%
I'm cynical about any company that claims they can protect my privacy, ... living a life free of data collection will soon be extinct! 186 36%
I don't care if my software or services isn't perfect, I just don't want any company to know anything about me, ... but we need your address in order to ship you a tinfoil hat! 66 12%
I don't care about any of this, I just want big emojii!, ... so long as there's a big opt-out button! 22 4%
I'm viewing the results in private. 52 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a broken differential.

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