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Current JoyPoll results for 502 entries:

How will the War of The Webs, (Internet of Thing devices being hijacked to disrupt the Internet) end?

Only after years and years of firmware updates, ... ROM wasn't fixed in a day. 29 5%
Someone will just pull the plug on the Internet and reboot it!, ... how about leaving it unplugged and let everyone go outside for a couple of days? 17 3%
Not with a bang but a whimper, ... the whimpers of those who can't reach Reddit or Twitter? 33 6%
With white hat malware, to target the malicious malware, ... I suggest you try a propeller beanie! 18 3%
With a well orchestrated campaign of blocking the sale of devices that can be compromised, and hunting down hijacked devices to destroying their capacity to attack DNS servers, ... too bad Samsung didn't make them all, then they'd all just self destruct eventually! 44 8%
I hate to say it, but it's a game of cat and mouse that will never end, ... it's the fleas and ticks you have to worry about! 298 59%
I'm pinging the results. 62 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Internet of Thuds.

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