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Current JoyPoll results for 539 entries:

Best excuse for keeping a Note 7 despite the recall?

It's a sign of your courage, like keeping a crocodile as a pet, ... almost as courageous as shopping on Google Play and running some of those Android apps infected with malware! 53 9%
You're holding out until Samsung pays you big time, ... you're going to have ambulance chasers following you! 90 16%
You're hoping yours ignites, so you can film it and the video will go viral!, ... in the meantime, you can feature it on a 24/7 Facebook Live stream. 75 13%
You're suicidal, but not brave enough to take your own life, ... don't be sad, Samsung will be fine. In the meantime, get an iPhone! 34 6%
No excuses, return that fire hazard ASAP!, ... only YOU can prevent foresight fires! 172 31%
I'm smoking over the results! 114 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and where there's smoke.

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