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Current JoyPoll results for 284 entries:

Thanksgiving checklist...

Travel and/or weather nightmares, ... just upload yourself to Skype! 23 8%
The family member with the exact opposite political views as you, just brought up Trump, ... isn't this the opposite of the Federation that's supposed to be happening? 23 8%
The person who says they're not racist just said something super racist, ... bonus points if you're describing yourself. 21 7%
I ATE TOO MUCH!, ... this should probably be checked by default. 67 23%
Most or all of the above, plus I had a horrible sleep, ... your bed from your teenage years didn't grow with you? 29 10%
This checklist made me just want to stay at home and cocoon this year, ... with all this cocooning, we expect a butterfly to emerge sometime. 102 35%
You're kidding right? I LOVE Thanksgiving!, ... Quoth the turkey, nevermore. 51 17%
I'm saving my vote for Christmas. 77 27%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and mashed po-datas.

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