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Current JoyPoll results for 361 entries:

When it comes to movies, what's the best way to stay un-spoiled?

Avoid websites and social media that may have spoilers, ... spoiler alert, you can't stop yourself. 41 11%
Avoid reviews, ... like a bad review would stop you from seeing a Star Wars movie? 12 3%
Avoid all humanity, ... book yourself into an Ewok retreat. 62 17%
Cover your ears and go la la la until you see the film, ... that's actually an old Jedi trick, used when people tell them to get off their cushions and do their job. 42 11%
Trust the Force to protect you, and when it doesn't, blame the Dark Side, ... that... is why you fail? 146 40%
I'm force-choking the results! 57 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it's time for the rounding.... to end!

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