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Current JoyPoll results for 862 entries:

What's keeping your geek emotions going, now that X-Files is over?
X-Files re-runs, ... see Fox run, over and over again. 11 1%
I'm hoping for Star Wars Episode III trailers, ... there is no hope. Know, or hope not. 19 2%
Two words... Matrix Reloaded, ... it's The One movie I'm living for. 265 30%
I'm hoping AY2K gets updated soon, ... I want to believe! 355 41%
Now that you mention it, I have no reason to live, ... of course you do... these exciting JoyPolls! 95 11%
I live to view the results. 112 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the truth being out there.
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After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
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