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Current JoyPoll results for 742 entries:

Which would be your favorite geek opera?
Madama Bandwith, ... a tragic tale of high speed won and lost. 33 4%
Hansolo and Geekel, ... too bad Greedo wasn't able to make it. 39 5%
The Merry Computer Widow, ... once her husband was gone, she could surf all she wanted. 20 2%
The Barber of Cupertino, ... no relation to the Demon Barber of Redmond. 148 19%
The Flying Tuxman, ... you will believe a penguin can fly! 83 11%
The Magic iPod, ... tuxedo, tails, and white buds required. 87 11%
I prefer geek opera in its original Klingon, ... or do you prefer it translated to Tribble? 260 35%
I thought opera was just a browser. 72 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and until the fat geekette sings.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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