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Current JoyPoll results for 809 entries:

What's the most frightening aspect of the above scenario?
The ethical, social, and professional ramifications of genetic engineering, ... if they've already done it , is it a moof point? 25 3%
Mac geeks having anything to do with breeding, ... they're not breeding, they're developing, developing, developing, developing! 198 24%
The cow is loose, ... omg, so are those clouds!!!! 38 4%
The dog apparently has the hots for its own offspring, ... naw, that's just the same look all developers get in their eyes when they see their baby run for the first time. 53 6%
The probability that the geeks had to use some of their own DNA, ... I hope they didn't forget the sugar and spice! 87 10%
The likelihood of Apple Legal suing for custody, ... we're awarding custody to its mom, Susan Kare. 318 39%
I'm dreaming of visiting a Clippy ranch. 90 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Moof is Murder.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


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